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Schlankheits ; während der Siofor 850 enthält 850 mg Metforminhydrochlorid und ähnliche Hilfsstoffe.Siofor 1000 umfasst 1000 mg Metfogamma , Formetin.
Schlankheits ; während der Siofor 850 enthält 850 mg Metforminhydrochlorid und ähnliche Hilfsstoffe.Siofor 1000 umfasst 1000 mg Metfogamma , Formetin.
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metfogamma 850 Schlankheits
Metfogamma 850. Latin name.
The composition and the form of production.
Glukoneogenez stops in the liver and reduces the absorption of glucose from the intestines, increasing peripheral glucose utilization, increases tissue sensitivity to insulino.
Impact of triglycerides and low-density population in the blood.
Provides fibrinoliticescoe Effects (stupid action activator inhibitor plazminoguena woven type), stabilizes or reduces weight.
At the time of treatment should stop breastfeeding.
Contraindications Hypersensitivity, diabetic ketoacidosis, diabetic precoma and coma expressed violations of the kidneys and liver, cardiac and respiratory distress, the acute phase of myocardial infarction, acute violation of cerebral circulation, dehydration, state, which may contribute to the development of molernkislogo azidoza, incl.
Side-Effects From the circulatory system and blood (blood, gemostaz) : in some cases megaloblastnaya Anemia.
Аллергически е reactions : skin rash.
Effect weaken glukokorticosteroida, oral contraceptives, adrenaline, etc.
Zimetidin slows down metformina, and increases the risk of development of molernkislogo azidoza.
Ml relaxed kumarinovykh anticoagulants.
The combination of derivatives sulfonylureas and insulin (requires careful monitoring blood glucose). Overdosing Symptoms : molernkisly Azidoz.
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